Elite Rank (Monthly)
18.99 GBP
Supreme Rank (Monthl
27.99 GBP
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Elite Rank (Lifetime
66.99 GBP
Supreme Rank (Lifeti
89.99 GBP
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What you're missing out on without a rank:
★ Stand out in chat with exclusive colours,
★ Rank kits can be reused every 12 hours,
★ Instantly credit RP rewards to your in-game balance,
★ Never have to worry about farming after raids,
★ Your Rank works on all our servers.
Refund Policy
All payments are final and non-refundable. Attempting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute will result in permanent and irreversible banishment from all of our servers, and other stores.
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All information that is required on this webstore is not shared with any other third parties and is stored securely. All payments are processed via SSL enabled gateways and ensure that your payment details are secure.